Join us on
February 19th at 14:30 CET for the second HARTU online webinar. This special event is organised in collaboration with our sister projects MASTERLY, AGILEHAND, and SMARTHANDLE, and promises to deliver valuable insights into the future of manufacturing automation.

The webinar will focus on the critical role of humans in increasingly automated industrial processes, exploring how to:

  • Ensure social acceptance of advanced robotics and AI.
  • Optimise the user experience of automated systems.
  • Ethically integrate AI and robotics into manufacturing workflows.
  • Promote inclusivity, safety, and enhanced human-robot collaboration.

Event Details:

Title: “Shaping ethical and inclusive futures: the human side of innovation in robotics”

Date: February 19th

Time: 14:30 CET

Location: Online, Webex platform



  • SMARTHANDLE: Ethical and social considerations when integrating collaborative robotics in manufacturing lines” 20 min
    • Discussion on ethical concerns in collaborative robotics, focusing on autonomy, psychological impacts, and the importance of user-centered design.
  • AGILEHAND: “Bridging the skills gap: preparing the workforce for the integration of flexible robots and AI” 20 min
    • Integration of flexible robots and AI in industries, addressing skills development, health and safety, and the social impact of evolving technologies.
  • MASTERLY: “Optimising worker acceptance and wellbeing in human-robot production systems” 20 min
    • Insights on worker acceptance and wellbeing in human-robot production systems, highlighting strategies for inclusive collaboration.
  • HARTU: “Advancing Human-AI collaboration: the Human-AI Teaming Interaction Model 20 min
    • Presentation of the Human-AI Teaming Interaction Model, focusing on collaboration between humans and AI, and the emerging roles and skills required in future manufacturing.
  • Q&A moment
    • Participants are free to intervene and ask their questions


Registration is simple and free ➝‬ Just click here to secure your spot.

Once registered, you’ll receive a link to the event in the days leading up to the webinar. Don’t miss this chance to delve into the future of manufacturing automation.

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